Konference EHBEA 2021 se letos konala on-line

Letos se konference společnosti European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association poprvé konala on-line, a to 24. – 27. 3. 2021.

Za naši skupinu zde Vít Třebický prezentoval přednášku Magnet, magnet in the wall, who is the (fairest) scariest of them all? The neural correlates of facial perception within the  intra and inter-sexual selection. Své postery zde pak představili Jitka Lindová (Same sex and opposite-sex friendships in school class), Petr Tureček (Sexual dimorphism in human facial morphology) a Šárka Kaňková (Testing the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis: associations between disgust sensitivity and immune activation in the 1st trimester of pregnancy).

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